Practical exercise

Reform to build​ new experiences

Through this practical exercise, you can quickly understand the current state of your brand, and understand from it that it must improve.


Create a brand experience, designed and thought by and for the user.

With the objective of understanding what type of actions must be carried out to achieve all the goals of the business organization.


The most common error in the construction of a brand space is to think that all communication measures are articulated under the premises of the commercial space, because it is in most cases the largest indicator of investment and therefore the one that takes the longest, consequently, of it, many times the decisions are deliberate without having a fixed strategy that allows to reduce the area of error in the construction of the brand experience and in the management of economic resources. To contrast this behavior and initiate this process, we as a company specializing in the development of brand experiences are based on the Cyclical Branding®, our methodology focused on branding for construction establishes a guide that serves as a basis for developing and finding a relationship between elements of both interior design and external communication.

In order to initiate the design of the brand strategy, we must deconstruct the idea of “Retail” in 4 concepts that are the basic basis for initiating a coherent process. The goal with this exercise is to understand where to start and what must be taken into account to develop and implement a retail project, the factors to take into account to make an idea tangible.

Strategic tool

Axes development

We will work with the Cyclical Branding® Retail brand experience infographic, which is composed of 4 concepts which must be fully developed to understand the way of coexistence between elements.



To start with the development we must put the 5 values that represent the brand universe, this are will make strategic basis to develop the following 4 sections.


We are going to make an analysis from more to less, from the general to the specific, for it in this section we will evaluate the container of the space, according to the defined values of mark, we must evaluate from 1 to 10 the relation that can have the space in general according to the 5 values that were defined at the beginning.


According to the vision, mission and lifestyle that we have of the brand, we must organize the way of structuring and representing the layers or strategic scenarios of the space, with the objective of having a panoramic view of the experience. For this, we will need the auxiliary sheet Nº2 where we must make a plan of the space, from it is important to understand how the zones are divided and put a score of 1 to 10 depending on the relationship of the space with the 5 initial values.


Once finished the development of the space, in the auxiliary sheet Nº3 we must cut the cards of objectives and role of the staff; in each card of objectives, the goals of each zone must be written and it must go with a card of role of the staff, where its function must be indicated, and therefore we must make a rapid evaluation of each person of the staff, where the criteria of evaluation will be the relation with the space and its way of communicating the 5 initial values.


It is necessary to understand the development of each experience within the space, for this and in order to make an analysis, the script of each section must be structured; the auxiliary sheet Nº4 with the protocol cards are the tool where we will capture this content with the aim of analyzing it. There we must make a critical analysis of the protocol and see how it becomes tangible within the space with the human resource of the brand. Each analysis that was executed must be scored and averaged. Value that later we will need to show the results.

Results & Conclutions

Once obtained the averages must be reflected in the general plan of retail analysis, the averages must be placed in the following order, step 1 your score must be placed in the strip corresponding to Theater, step 2 must go to the strip of Stage, step 3 to the strip of Actor and the last step will be placed in the strip of Script. 

These averages of scores give us the opportunity to understand in a panoramic way the development of the retail experience and the way in which it is becoming tangible is in space. The ideal is to go beyond the 5 to know that we have a consistent experience between each of the sections.

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